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Sunday, 11 December 2011

This month

Wow - has it nearly been a whole month since I last posted. In between being ill and trying to catch up the weeks have flown by - though I have managed a few things.

My son and his girlfriend put up the christmas tree, used everything from last year though I still want to make a couple of decorations, hopefully I will get the time.

Attended a couple of social crafting sessions, took my Uganda brooches along to finish off. Met a couple of people who do their own spinning, in awe of them, must take a lot of strength and patience.

Helped out with a few hours at the local charity christmas card event - where they sell cards etc for different charities. This is done all around England.

 My friend who helps with the Uganda project had her own craft stall yesterday, so kept her company most of the time.

Will take photos of my Uganda project stuff today when daylight comes and will update whats been completed with some photos.

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