Background code from shabby blogs

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Mending a broken expanding box file

When a shop was clearing out I found an expanding box file filled with craft items for £1. I immediately bought it - knowing full well the stuff inside the file was worth more then a £1. Since then I have used up all the craft items and have put the box file to use by storing all my clear closeable bags that I recycle. Though it started being a pain by keep opening all the time. I did try putting a rubber band round it but that was awkward getting on and off and was not sufficent.

The clasp was broken

 This morning I came up with a brainwave - VELCRO!!

So I found my velcro sticky pads (about 1cm accross). Firstly I took off the broken clasp and the handle. I knew velcro would not hold if I tried using the handle at the top and as I am forgetful I took it off.

Then I attached a few velcro to the plastic box - attaching both fluffy and grippy side - then closed the box and pressed down. The grippy side then stuck to the lid of the box file.

Now all I have to do is to decorate it.

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