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Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Uganda project

I am so busy sorting out the Uganda suitcases. I have a date for end of January for the suitcases to be picked up ready for taking out. Though I dont want it hanging over Christmas, so trying to sort it out now.

I am so pleased that people from freecycle have helped by giving stuff when they have clear outs.

At the moment I have packed one suitcase, filled with all sorts of school resources - these include folders, protective paper sleeves, staplers, solar calculators, colouring pens, pencils, block paints, the list goes on.

I am still making up the craft packs which will go in the second suitcase along with some ankle length skirts.

I have a long list of things to get done, it seems a bit overwhelming. Trying to take it a bit at a time as my health has not been too good recently.

I am hoping to photograph some of the packs before they go, and will hopefully post them here.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Milk Jug Decorative Window Crafts | Alphamom

Milk Jug Decorative Window Crafts | Alphamom

Wow - these butterflies from milk bottles are brilliant, hopefully get round this week to try some and take photos.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Cute christmas ornaments

This will definately fit in with my handmade recycled christmas decor. I intend to make these with either used wrapping paper or if thats not thick enough used greetings cards. I will post once Ive made them.

Celebrate Life: 12 Days of Christmas: Day 11